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How do I Transfer Ownership of My Amazon Seller Account?

May 19, 2023

How Do I Transfer Ownership of My Amazon Seller Account?

While selling on Amazon is the BEST place for selling your widgets, the transfer ownership of an Amazon Seller Account can be a bit complicated. Is it possible? YES. Is it easy? Not always! Luckily you have the team at AIA to help every step of the way in the ownership transfer process! Let’s answer some of your questions.

  1. Who is AIA?
  2. Does Amazon permit account ownership transfer?
  3. After purchasing an Amazon seller account, can the original account owner gain access?
  4. How are payments processed?
  5. What fees do you charge for purchasing an aged Amazon account?

Who is AIA?

AIA Assets are Amazon professionals. With over a decade on Amazon, we have expertise in policy, regulations and compliance. We will successfully process ownership transfer using the safest and most secure techniques. All steps in the process are secure and protected.

Does Amazon Permit Account Ownership Transfer?

AIA is shattering the myth! The idea that you cannot transfer Amazon seller accounts is a widespread misconception. To prevent fraud, Amazon states that seller accounts are generally not transferrable, nor should sellers operate more than one Amazon seller account. Amazon permits seller account transfers – when certain conditions are met: You will need a legitimate business need for a second Amazon account, and you are not the owner of an Amazon seller account that has been suspended for violating Amazons Terms of Service. 

We always receive authorization for the transfer of ownership. Written approval is received before Seller accounts are sold/transferred. For complex transfers, we seek support from Amazon.

After purchasing an Amazon seller account, can the original account owner gain access?

You will have SOLE access to the new Amazon Seller Account.

The updated information, including your legal entity and all banking information, is attached to your new Amazon account. You will access your account with your own username, password, and two-factor authentication.

As part of this process, the previous owner of the account will never regain access to this account.

How are payments processed?

New banking and credit card information connect you to your new Amazon Seller Account.

During the transfer process, we will be updating:

  • Legal entity
  • Credit Card details (for fees)
  • Bank Information (for deposits)
  • User Name & Password
  • Tax Information

Once your personal information is changed, you are the official owner of the account.

What fees do you charge for purchasing an aged Amazon account?

We are not brokers and do not charge any additional fees for this service. We purchase every account we sell!

Put yourself ahead of the competition. Purchase a premium Amazon Account. With great feedback and attractive disbursement terms, you’ll be ready to list your first item immediately! Buy an Amazon Seller account today, and start selling tomorrow! Contact the team at AIA to find the account that’s perfect for you! Contact our sales team to get a free valuation of your seller account!

Ready To Buy an Amazon Seller Account?