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Amazon Re-verifying Thousands of Sellers

June 5, 2023
Amazon Re-verifying Thousands of Sellers

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Have you received ANOTHER re-verification email from Amazon? If so, you’re not alone.

Thousands of accounts have been asked to re-verify their business information (again) and Amazon is choosing to stay vague and unclear about the process.

Let’s take a moment to talk about exactly WHAT Amazon is looking for in the re-verification process email. The initial request typically is information about your business, which includes your business address, legal entity information, and deposit method. The second item is information about your identity, which may require a government-issued photo ID. The third item is a bank account or credit card statement. And finally, if you’re an LLC, they may ask for incorporation papers, a business license, or even a vendor’s permit. As always, make sure that any document is clear and all the edges visible in the frame, while you can use an phone app, a scanner is ideal.

Your Amazon Seller Account is At Risk of Deactivation

amazon reverifying thousands of sellers

In previous newsletters, we’ve talked about the importance of having all supporting documentation match all uploaded legal documents. When verifying, make sure that:

  1. Business address and name – should match bank documents
  2. National identification document – should match the individual’s name on the account (the legal entity)

But wait, there’s more! Our clients are suffering from the headaches of repeated requests for information, and it’s not always clear what should be uploaded. We’ve decided to put together a list of FAQ’s and answers regarding this process.

FAQ’s About Amazon’s Re-Verification Process

  • Even though Amazon shows the full list of verification items why are they only asking for ONE on Amazon’s re-verification notification?

Your account health dashboard will show you the specific verifications needed. When necessary, you will get a link, or a blue circle (instead of greyed-out circles) for any items that will need to be submitted.

  • Is it possible to verify all 5 sections at the same time?

We have not yet seen any clients with the availability to answer all 5 at the same time. Sometimes they’ll come in groups, one after the other.

  •  Is it certain that Amazon will want to verify the additional items?

It is not certain that you will be subject to more than one verification request. Check into your dashboard daily for Amazon’s requests and responses to your submissions. But, Amazon seems to be responding quickly – within minutes and up to 48 hours – with approvals or with further verification requests.

  • Why Amazon is doing this?

The passing of the INFORM Consumers Act. Passed on January 5, 2023, it requires marketplaces to verify and, in some cases, disclose seller info. Over the next few months, we expect most of our clients to receive this re-verification notification. The act will go into effect on June 27, 2023.

  • Are there any limitations to which members of my team can change this information?

Full user permissions no longer allow team members to edit this information. Only the primary account holder will be able to change bank account or legal entity information.

  • How can we check who our primary contact is on our .com account?

Interestingly enough, only Amazon EU accounts have this type of information currently available, .com accounts have a “default contact”. With the passing of the INFORM Act, this may change, as the law is meant to increase seller transparency.

  • I received the following answer, “Your account has been approved” but the banner is still there! How long does it take for the “account is at risk” banner to be removed?

As long as there are items on the list that have yet to be fully verified, the “account is at risk” banner seems to be still on many of our clients’ accounts.

  • The account legal entity is a First name and Last name. Should we pick “Individual” or “Privately owned business”?

If the name of the legal entity is an individual (in other words, this account is owned by a person), you would pick Individual. (FYI – if the legal entity is an LLC that is owned by one individual, you would still pick “Individual”).

  • HELP! I see that I need to fill out tax identity, but the USA is not on the list of countries.

Many US sellers see that the TAX identity page says they need to pass this verification. Amazon has acknowledged that this is a glitch on the .com dashboards that can be ignored by US-based sellers.

Verification is Complete
verification complete

Final Words….

As this re-verification nightmare continues to develop and change, we will keep you updated with the most recent information, suggestions, and tips to help you keep your account healthy.

We hope that our FAQs have helped navigate the re-verification process. We understand that it’s time-consuming, somewhat confusing, irritating, and stress-inducing. If you’re amidst the journey and need assistance, reach out to our team for support and guidance along the way.