Step 1
Get your account evaluated
Step 2
Receive a formal offer and written proposal
Step 3
Contract review and accept offer
Step 4
Live account takeover
Step 5
Immediate payment
Step 6
AIA Assets secure & trustworthy ownership transfer
Step 1
Get your account evaluated
Step 2
Receive a formal offer and written proposal
Step 3
Contract review and accept offer
Step 4
Live account takeover
Step 5
Immediate payment
Step 6
AIA Assets secure & trustworthy ownership transfer
Did you know your Amazon seller account has value? If you're ready to step away from selling on Amazon, don't delete your account! Instead, contact the team at AIA Assets. We'll audit your account and provide you with an on-the-spot offer. Unlike brokers, AIA Assets directly purchases Amazon seller accounts and maintains their health for proper use.
Yes, selling or buying an Amazon seller account is not a violation of Amazon's terms of service. At AIA Assets, we strictly adhere to Amazon's Business Solutions Agreement (BSA) when facilitating the buying and selling of accounts, with a few important exceptions. Amazon's policies clearly prohibit opening a new account to bypass a suspension, as doing so can result in both the new and existing accounts being permanently banned. For this reason, AIA Assets does not assist or support the sale of Amazon accounts to individuals or entities that have been banned from the platform. By using our services, you confirm that you do not currently own any additional Amazon seller accounts that are suspended or deactivated.
Once you've confirmed that your seller account is in good standing, with no active suspensions or violations, the team at AIA Assets will conduct a thorough audit and provide you with a no-obligation offer. If you accept the offer and sign a formal contract, our team will initiate the account transfer process.