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Revolutionizing the Process of Selling Amazon Accounts

October 22, 2023
Selling Amazon Seller Accounts with AIA Assets

In this Prime Talk Podcast Sponsored by GETIDA – Israel Shushan – Founder of AIA Assets – talks about Revolutionizing the Process of Selling Amazon Accounts, and also more information about his life’s journey.

Amazon seller accounts are valuable! Aged accounts often have more favorable disbursement terms than new accounts.  Aged accounts have the benefit of being ungated for brands and categories that are restricted to new sellers. If you’re considering selling (or purchasing) and Amazon seller account, AIA Assets is the trustworthy and premier selling marketplace.

Who is Getida?

With e-commerce growing annually by at least 30%, it will become harder and harder to audit what can amount to anywhere from 1-3% of your annual revenue. GETIDA is actively dedicated to improving the overall operations of Amazon FBA sellers. We’ve developed robust auditing software that keeps track of your Amazon FBA inventory transactions, refunds, seller data analytics, and FBA reimbursements easily and clearly. We maintain an agreeable, established relationship with Amazon, and our dedicated case managers draw on that relationship when filing FBA reimbursement claims on your behalf.

We not only identify potential FBA reimbursement claims, our case managers file and follow up on all of your Amazon cases, providing a premium quality service for you and your business. You can join GETIDA for free and quickly discover the FBA reimbursement data on your Amazon account, get free consulting on how to improve your Amazon business, and much more!