Advantages of Buying an Existing Amazon Seller Account
Many Amazon sellers, particularly private label sellers, have challenges getting visibility to their products, stores, and brands. Competition is fierce and PPC is expensive.
How does buying an aged Amazon seller account boost your Amazon ranking and increase Sales? Do plentiful feedback and long history, give you the upper hand? Let’s talk about the advantages of buying an existing Amazon Seller Account.
Feedback Ratings
As an Amazon seller, every step you take can affect your metrics and your performance. Seller Feedback ratings highly impact your performance and whether or not your products are more (or less) visible.
High feedback scores and abundant feedback will be more likely to help you win the coveted “Buy Box” and may even result in your products ranking higher than your competition.
Amazon won’t reveal the exact algorithm it uses to weigh and measure feedback. But it’s well known that positive reviews on a storefront are crucial to ranking sellers. The higher you rank, the higher your product could place you on the first page of search results. Potentially bringing significant traffic to your listings.
If the “buy box” isn’t enough to convince a customer to purchase from your store, then your seller feedback demonstrates trust, another factor that helps influence the purchasing experience.
Established Sales History
Well-established or aged Amazon seller accounts rank higher on Amazon SEO searches. How? Because an aged Amazon account is the equivalent of a great reference letter. Well-performing Amazon accounts demonstrate that you have experience managing deliveries, have an established track record of fulfilling orders, and offer a high level of customer satisfaction.
Another benefit is the ability to just jump into sales. While new accounts may be subject to velocity suspensions, established seller accounts can sell at a high volume immediately.
To protect its customers, Amazon monitors sales velocity and new sellers are subject to velocity limits. Amazon can limit a seller’s selling privileges and suspend payments for new sellers until:
- The velocity of sales matches their expectations of reviews and/or
- Enough orders have been successfully fulfilled
New sellers must wait patiently for both product reviews and store feedback. According to Kately Luxum from Ecommerce Nurse, Your Amazon seller rating can be a make-or-break factor for the success of your business. Existing Amazon seller accounts, with feedback, bypass this waiting room, allowing you to easily surpass any competitor with no feedback ratings.
Your Takeaways: Buying an Established Account May Help You Win the BUY BOX
What are the goals of every Amazon Seller?
- Get their product on the first page
- Win the buy-box
- Close the sale
- Get great seller feedback
A good sales rank doesn’t guarantee a product will sell, nor does a bad sales rank mean that your product will never sell. But here are the facts: The more feedback you have -> the more product you sell –> the higher your rank -> the more likely you may win the Buy Box.
When you purchase an established seller account from AIA Assets, you’re positioning yourself with a greater advantage over a seller starting “fresh”. You have the foundation for a profitable sales experience because your Amazon Seller account has:
- Established Sales History
- Seller Feedback
New sellers on the platform miss out on these advantages. When you purchase an aged account, you can easily boost your Amazon ranking and increase Sales. The team at AIA Assets will help you purchase an aged Amazon seller account securely, safely, and by ensuring that we comply with Amazon’s Terms of Service. Your account transfer happens quickly, and we are confident you’ll be thrilled with the results!
Feel free to reach out to our sales team to see the catalog of aged and established Amazon seller accounts that will help propel you into the Amazon Seller journey.